JavaFX Composer also provides support for binding web services and databases to components using a generic, abstract idea of data sources and record sets. JavaFXComposer还应用了通用、抽象的数据源与记录集的思想,可以将WebServices与数据库绑定到组件上。
Abstract ln order to achieve the resource sharing for computer-aided terminology, in recent years the progress of interchange format of terminological record is very rapid in foreign coun-tries. The author describes the related progress, and tells his own thought in this aspect. 为了在计算机辅助术语工作领域实现资源共享,近年来,国外在术语记录交换格式方面进展迅速,作者按照时间顺序叙述了有关的进展,并提出了自己的看法。